Sunday, February 21, 2010

mama learns some shocking news!! twins may be difficult.

Now that mama and dad knew we were on our way, they thought it might be a good idea to get a doctor for us. We agreed. They were super excited to find an obgyn just five minutes from our house, so mama made an appointment for December 17th.

Unfortunately, dad had to work that day so mama was on her own. She had to face the gauntlet of surprising, shocking, mind blowing...dare I say, life changing insights all alone.
The first eye opening experience occurred right in the waiting room. Among a herd of pregnant women, mama had to explain to the receptionist that she was 5 weeks pregnant with twins. The less than congenial receptionist gasped, "My God! One baby is hard enough but twins...Are you sure it's twins?" Yes, mama was sure. (Egg thought the lady might as well have said, "Good Heavens! Are you sure you have leprosy? Sucks to be you!" I berated Egg for his potty mouth.) The other pregnant women decided to chime in with their almost psychic premonitions about the ease of mama and dad's child rearing years ahead.

"Twins! I could never handle twins!"

"Be ready for some sleepless nights."

"Better you than me."

"Don't tell anyone you're having twins. They'll all just freak out!"

"And these are your first?"

"I'm so sorry."

"At least they're not triplets."

"Dear God!!! For the love of everything holy, good and pure!!! Why? Why? Dear baby Jesus, why?"

Thanks for letting us know ladies. We had no idea we were going to be more challenging than a singleton birth.

As for the doctor...lets call her Dr. Badger...mama quickly decided that she should not be the first person we meet coming into the world.

Fortunately for us, mama and dad didn't seem fazed by this overwhelming information. In fact, that night, they cuddled closer, laughed louder and dreamed bigger about our upcoming arrival.

And in return, we decided to introduce them to our dream doctor. Egg called it, "Our little Christmas Eve present."


  1. Ahh yes! People and their profound insight that makes me want to punch them in the face. Awesome.

  2. Congrats, Owl and Egg! You are going to enjoy your MaMa and DaDa when you meet them.

    And we are looking forward to following your progress.
