Monday, April 26, 2010

small fingers prevent timely blog updates!

After several weeks of apparent miraculous progress, we (the 14 week old fetusae) discovered that we actually were unable to fend for ourselves and keep our adoring fans informed of our every move. Like rock stars of the 80's, we stayed up too late, passed out too easily, and were unable to operate the simplest forms of modern technology i.e. phones, showers, mechanical pencils, and most importantly, computers. Not that suprising when you consider our fingers were only slightly thicker than a toothpick.

We were left all alone in here with no means of communication with the outside world. Egg said she heard a rumor that mom and dad were busy "getting things ready" for our arrival but I doubt it. Mainly cause at that point we actually didnt have the ability to hear. When I explained this to Egg she simply looked at me and said, "Huh, what'd ya say? I can't hear ya!"

Anyway, we apologize for the delay in updates. But, can you really blame us? We have no functional temporal lobes. I dont even know what that means but I'm sure it sounds impressive...if I could actually hear, that is.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

I'm ready for my close-up Dr. Demille!

Egg and I decided this was the best shot from our 1/22/09 photo shoot.

what a difference a month makes

So, here is a picture of me shaking my quickly disappearing primordial tail at our Christmas eve party. Egg was leaning against the punch bowl table at the time because we just got elbows to lean on this week.

We were so excited to show of for mom, dad and our new doctor. We hadn't seen mom and dad since move in day and we all were in need of some face to almost-a-face time. Even though, I didn't think we were looking too hot, they just kept saying how beautiful we were. Mom kept this picture in her purse for months until dad was afraid she might lose it and tucked it away for safe keeping.

Over Christmas break we went to the beach house with Nanny, Poppy, Jojo, Joma, co-uterine cousin Baby Tiger, Uncle Brian, Aunt Leslie and cousin Jack, but mom got a nasty cold that lasted 2 1/2 weeks. mom was so worried about how we were doing but we were more concerned for her. We knew it must be rough not being able to take the stronger medicine because of us. But mom was a trooper. We were so proud of how well she handled it! Yeah Mommy!!

So after four more weeks of growth and interior decorating, it was time for another photo shoot. We knew that mom and dad were in for quite the shock - considering that only a month prior we looked like little pinto beans. Egg could sense how amped I was to show off our new appendages and pretended to sleep while I hogged the camera for a while. Egg is truly generous and sensitive that way.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

mama learns some shocking news!! twins may be difficult.

Now that mama and dad knew we were on our way, they thought it might be a good idea to get a doctor for us. We agreed. They were super excited to find an obgyn just five minutes from our house, so mama made an appointment for December 17th.

Unfortunately, dad had to work that day so mama was on her own. She had to face the gauntlet of surprising, shocking, mind blowing...dare I say, life changing insights all alone.
The first eye opening experience occurred right in the waiting room. Among a herd of pregnant women, mama had to explain to the receptionist that she was 5 weeks pregnant with twins. The less than congenial receptionist gasped, "My God! One baby is hard enough but twins...Are you sure it's twins?" Yes, mama was sure. (Egg thought the lady might as well have said, "Good Heavens! Are you sure you have leprosy? Sucks to be you!" I berated Egg for his potty mouth.) The other pregnant women decided to chime in with their almost psychic premonitions about the ease of mama and dad's child rearing years ahead.

"Twins! I could never handle twins!"

"Be ready for some sleepless nights."

"Better you than me."

"Don't tell anyone you're having twins. They'll all just freak out!"

"And these are your first?"

"I'm so sorry."

"At least they're not triplets."

"Dear God!!! For the love of everything holy, good and pure!!! Why? Why? Dear baby Jesus, why?"

Thanks for letting us know ladies. We had no idea we were going to be more challenging than a singleton birth.

As for the doctor...lets call her Dr. Badger...mama quickly decided that she should not be the first person we meet coming into the world.

Fortunately for us, mama and dad didn't seem fazed by this overwhelming information. In fact, that night, they cuddled closer, laughed louder and dreamed bigger about our upcoming arrival.

And in return, we decided to introduce them to our dream doctor. Egg called it, "Our little Christmas Eve present."

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thanks(for)giving a hoot

Now let me explain a few things about Owl and I before you judge us too harshly. As tiny, little, wee, innocent embryos we are virtually unaware of the concept of holidays. However, we are fully cognizant of our birthweeks. So when November 26th rolled around, we knew it was our 2nd week of life/growth and had to throw a little soiree. Unfortunately, this did not have quite the effect we intended. Mom and dad didn't know what to make of the ruckus we were making and their thanksgiving was more like a stress-giving holiday. But, on the upside, we made so much noise that the next day mom's pregnancy test came back soooo positive that the doc was pretty sure we both decided to stick around.

Even with the drama we caused, Owl is convinced that every Thursday we try and do a little something for ourselves.

I emphasized the "little" part.

Owl suggested, "Dance party!"

I reminded Owl that we wouldn't even have arm or leg buds for another two weeks.

Owl screamed, "Spa day!"

We will have to wait and see.

we're having a blast - ocyst in heyah!!

So here we are on move in day. That's Egg on the left - mom thinks Egg looks like a little face - and I'm the one on the right, trying to get out of the shot. I wasn't feeling particularly photogenic yet. What can I say; it's hard to smile when you don't have a mouth. Although, Egg seemed to manage just fine...the show off!

Apparently, mom and dad were surprised to find out we both were moving in. Even though mom had been dreaming about the two of us for years, they were expecting a single occupant...although, come to think of it, dad didn't even flinch when he found out. Of course he won't be the one having to make room for us over the next several months. Sorry mom! Still, it was awefully nice for them to let both of us in.

It was a pretty exciting moment, mom and dad getting to see us for the first time. Mom said egg looked just like dad. I didn't really see the resemblance but maybe thats cause I didn't have any eyes yet. Nanny Char giggled though, and the doctor and nurse laughed like they had heard this joke before.

Now, I know that some of you might be thinking, "Owl, how is this possible? You are an eyeless, earless, mouth-less blastocyst. How on Earth (or rather in Womb) are you able to experience and report all this?"

Although some people believe we have souls at conception, I know that most doctors and scientist claim we have no cognitive ability at this stage. We are just a growing mass of endo, ecto and meso-derm germ layers. I admit we might not be much to look you. But Egg says otherwise. Egg says that since mom and dad have been aware of us since the beginning - even before the beginning - then we must be living, thinking beings. WE MUST EXIST! Egg went on to say something about if a tree fell in the forest but mom and dad were there to hear us and we are sound and something about thinking therefore we ARE! Then Egg really went off,"I don't know about you Owl, but I have a feeling we are not going to remember this when we get out of here. And for me...this is unacceptable. It is our, our DUTY, to make a record of this time, this space. Not only for mom and dad but for us! They have no idea which one of us is which. They don't even know our gender yet...but we do, we know who we are, what we are, how we feel, right now. When we get out of here and really get to talk to mom and dad they will need us to tell them who is who and what is what. This is our right, our job, our mission, our AMAZINGLY TRUE ADVENTURE...lets get this party started!!! YEEHAHHH!!"

As you can see, Egg is a passionate little blastocyst.

Anyway, I better stop typing now. Egg is trying to sleep and we've got a lot of decorating to do tomorrow.

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