Monday, April 26, 2010

small fingers prevent timely blog updates!

After several weeks of apparent miraculous progress, we (the 14 week old fetusae) discovered that we actually were unable to fend for ourselves and keep our adoring fans informed of our every move. Like rock stars of the 80's, we stayed up too late, passed out too easily, and were unable to operate the simplest forms of modern technology i.e. phones, showers, mechanical pencils, and most importantly, computers. Not that suprising when you consider our fingers were only slightly thicker than a toothpick.

We were left all alone in here with no means of communication with the outside world. Egg said she heard a rumor that mom and dad were busy "getting things ready" for our arrival but I doubt it. Mainly cause at that point we actually didnt have the ability to hear. When I explained this to Egg she simply looked at me and said, "Huh, what'd ya say? I can't hear ya!"

Anyway, we apologize for the delay in updates. But, can you really blame us? We have no functional temporal lobes. I dont even know what that means but I'm sure it sounds impressive...if I could actually hear, that is.